Allows you to set the default for all extensions at once. How to Change File Associations in VLC Media Playerīhavin Doshi Bhavin Doshi 1, 17 For Jorge Castro Jah Fou Jah Fou 31 1. If you want to assocoate all video mimetypes with vlc for current user, you can do this: Check totem is currently default for all video mimetypes: This works on Xubuntu as well. Set as default doesn't seem to be there in Rinzwind - I didn't see it in a fresh install of Ubuntu Avinash Raj Avinash Raj 52k 41 I set this How can I set vlc as default for nautilus and for gnome-disk-image-mounter too? No in If your screenshot is correct, the step you've done is just for 'Matroska video'. In It's, ltn's answer works in Rinzwind Rinzwind k 28 This step is to be done on all video filetypes.